Custom Fields Power
This category is used to demo the power of custom fields in Membership Pro. You can create custom fields to:
1. Collect more information of subscribers. Each plan can have it own set of custom fields.
2. Change subscription fee base on what subscribers choose on subscription form.
3. Assign subscribers to the Joomla groups you want base on the option they choose from custom field.

This subscription plan is used to demo custom fields feature in Membership Pro. In Membership Pro, you can create any custom fields you want for your subscription plans. For list of supported custom field types, please see
Duration: | 30 Days |
Price: | $20.00 |

This subscription plan is used to demo custom fee fields feature in Membership Pro. With custom fee fields feature, the price of the subscription can be changed base on the data which subscribers enter / choose on the subscription form
Duration: | 30 Days |
Price: | $60.00 |

This subscription plan is used to demo a special feature of custom field. You can assign subscribers of a subscription plan to certain Joomla group(s) you want base on the option which he choose on a custom field
Duration: | 3 Months |
Price: | $100.00 |

This subscription plan is used to demo the custom field dependency feature. When you select an option, additional fields which depends on that option will be showed. To see how it works, please read documentation at
Duration: | 4 Weeks |
Price: | $100.00 |