Categories Accordion

Free Lifetime Membership

This is one kind of free subscription plan. When users subscribe for this subscription plan, they will become active subscriber of this plan for lifetime. If you decide to use this kind of plan, you should only give subscribers of this plan to access to basic/free resources on your site.

Duration: Lifetime
Price: Free
One Month Free Trial

This is another type of free subscription plan. Sometime, you want to give subscribers free trial duration so that they can try to access to restricted resources on your site before deciding to become paid subscribers (with higher access level and can access to more restricted resources...). You should set Enable renewal parameter of the plan to Yes so that when subscription expired, they must pay for a paid subscription to continue accessing to restricted resources on your site (or their subscription will be expired and they will no longer be able to access to these resources anymore)


Duration: 1 Month
Price: Free

6 Months Membership

Sign up for this subscription plans allows you to downloads all our extensions and get free support for 6 months.

Duration: 6 Months
Price: $60.00
9 Months Membership

Sign up for this subscription plans allows you to downloads all our extensions and get free support for 9 months.

Duration: 9 Months
Price: $90.00
12 Months Membership

Sign up for this subscription plans allows you to downloads all our extensions and get free support for 12 months.

Duration: 9 Months
Price: $90.00

Recurring subscription plan

This subscription plan is used to show demo for recurring subscription plan feature in Membership Pro. In this case, this is a weekly recurring subscription plan, so the payment will be processed every week until subscribers cancel the subscription.

Duration: 1 Week
Price: $60.00
Recurring subscription plan with free trial

This subscription plan is used to show demo for recurring subscription plan with trial duration feature in Membership Pro. In this case, this is a one month recurring subscription plan, free trial for two weeks:

1. When subscribers sign up, the recurring subscription will be registered with the payment gateway

2. With this setup, users will become active subscriber within two weeks. During this time, no payment is processed

2. After two weeks, the payment will happen every month. Each month, subscriber will be charged 60$ until they cancel the recurring subscription

Trial duration: 2 Weeks
Trial price: Free
Duration: 1 Month
Price: $60.00
Recurring subscription plan with trial

This subscription plan is used to demo recurring subscription plan with trial amount. Usually, trial about should be lower than the regular price to encourage users to sign up for the plan first. With this setup:

1. Users will be charged 5$ at the time they subscribe for the subscription plan and the subscription will become active for two weeks

2. After two weeks, users will be charged every month, each month they will be charged 60$ until they cancel the recurring subscription

Trial duration: 1 Day
Trial price: $5.00
Duration: 1 Month
Price: $60.00
Recurring Subscription, Fixed Number Payments

This is another kind of recurring subscription. With this setup, users will be charged for 60$ every 2 months for total 6 payments. After 6 payments (12 months), no payment will be processed anymore and they will become expired subscriber.

Duration: 2 Months
Price: $60.00

This plan is used to demo the group membership feature. When someone subscribe to this subscription plan, he will be allowed to add 20 members into his group.

Duration: 6 Months
Price: $200.00

This plan is used to demo the group membership feature. When someone subscribe to this subscription plan, he will be allowed to add 50 members into his group.

Duration: 6 Months
Price: $500.00

Custom Fields

This subscription plan is used to demo custom fields feature in Membership Pro. In Membership Pro, you can create any custom fields you want for your subscription plans. For list of supported custom field types, please see

Duration: 30 Days
Price: $20.00
Custom Fee Fields

This subscription plan is used to demo custom fee fields feature in Membership Pro. With custom fee fields feature, the price of the subscription can be changed base on the data which subscribers enter / choose on the subscription form

Duration: 30 Days
Price: $60.00
Custom Field - Joomla Groups

This subscription plan is used to demo a special feature of custom field. You can assign subscribers of a subscription plan to certain Joomla group(s) you want base on the option which he choose on a custom field

Duration: 3 Months
Price: $100.00
Custom Field Dependency

This subscription plan is used to demo the custom field dependency feature. When you select an option, additional fields which depends on that option will be showed. To see how it works, please read documentation at

Duration: 4 Weeks
Price: $100.00