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Members Discount

Members Discount

This event is used to demo Members Discount feature in Events Booking. Members (who has account on your site) can receive same or differrent discount amount base on the Joomla User Group(s) they belong to. For example, for this event, users from 6 Months Membership group (6months/6months) will receive 10% discount and users from group 12 Months Membership group (12months/12months) will receive 20% discount for their registration.

Event Date 09-09-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-14-2025 8:00 am
Registered 3 [View List]
Available place 197
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Categories Features
Custom Fee Fields

Custom Fee Fields

This event is used to demo one of the most interesting feature in Events Booking called Custom Fee Fields. The price of the registration not only depends the price of the event but also depends on the options/data which registered select/enter on registration form. See to understand how it works.

Event Date 09-10-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-15-2025 8:00 am
Registered 4 [View List]
Available place 196
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Categories Features
Custom Fields Types

Custom Fields Types

This event is used to demo custom fields feature of Events Booking. Events Booking allows you to create custom fields (beside default fields) to collect more information of registrants. For list of supported custom field types and how to setup it, please read documentation at 

Event Date 09-10-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-15-2025 8:00 am
Registered 1 [View List]
Available place 199
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Categories Features
Custom Field Dependency

Custom Field Dependency

This event is used to demo Custom Fields Dependency feature in Events Booking. When you select an option in a custom field (checkbox, radio, dropdown), additional fields which depends on that option will be showed. To see how it works, please read documentation at

Event Date 09-11-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-16-2025 8:00 am
Registered 3 [View List]
Available place 197
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Categories Features
Custom Field Quantity

Custom Field Quantity

This event is used to demo Custom Field Quantity feature in Events Booking. It allows you to limit number of registrants can select certain options in a custom field (Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiple select). To see how it works and how to use this feature, please read documentation at

Event Date 09-12-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-17-2025 8:00 am
Registered 0
Available place 200
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Categories Features