Private Event

Private Event

This event is used to demo Private Event feature in Events Booking. To register for this event, users will have to know the password (which is set by admin for that event).  When you register for this event, the system will ask you for a password, enter SECRET and you can continue with the registration.

If you don't know the password, you won't be allowed to register for this event

Private Event

Event Properties
Event Date 07-25-2026 8:00 am
Event End Date 07-30-2026 8:00 am
Registered 1 [View List]
Available place 199
Individual Price $100.00
Created By Tuan Pham Ngoc
Location California Market Center
Categories Features
Group Rate
#Registrants Rate/Person ($)
2 80.00
4 70.00
6 60.00

Location Map