
This category contains some events which is used to demo the some specific features supported by Events Booking. Each event will show a specific feature of the extension
Free Event
This is a free event. Users don't have to pay to register for this event.
Individual Registration
This event is used to demo registration type option in Events Booking. For this event, only Individual Registration Option is enabled.
Group Registration
This event is used to demo registration type option in Events Booking. For this event, only Group Registration Option is enabled.
External Registration Handle
This event is used to demo registration type option in Events Booking. For this event, the registration will be handled on an external website. You can config the URL of the registration page, for example, in this case, for demo purpose, I set Custom Registration Handle URL parameter of this event to https://www.eventbrite.com
Disable Registration Event
Sometime, you just want to create events and display on your site to give the information about the events for your site visitors without requiring registration. For these events, you can simply set Registration Type to Disable Registration