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Seniors Housing

Seniors Housing

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Category properties
For sale or lease
International Students Residence
$ 45.999 - $ 6.900.999

341 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York, 11211, New York, United States

Well-placed in the restaurants, sightseeing, shopping area of New York (NY) city, International Students Residence ..
 5656 sqmt

Jenifer Sadecky


Gansevoort Meatpacking
€ 50,000/Per month

18 Ninth Avenue, Greenwich Village, New York, 10014, New York, United States

Designed for both business and leisure travel, Gansevoort Meatpacking is ideally situated in Greenwich Village; ..
 140 sqmt

Marry Snyder

123 2312 3224

Comfort Inn Lower East Side
€ 170,000

136 Ludlow Street, Lower East Side, New York, 10002, New York, United States

For travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of New York (NY), ..
 670 sqmt

Paolo Osberg

344 3435 232

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