Upcoming Events


This category contains some events which is used to demo the some specific features supported by Events Booking. Each event will show a specific feature of the extension


Custom Fields Types

01-10-2022 8:00 am - 01-15-2022 8:00 am

This event is used to demo custom fields feature of Events Booking. Events Booking allows you to create custom fields (beside default fields) to collect more information of registrants. For list of supported custom field types and how to setup it, please read documentation at http://eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/basic-setup/custom-fieldshttp://eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/basic-setup/custom-fields 

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Custom Field Dependency

01-11-2022 8:00 am - 01-16-2022 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Custom Fields Dependency feature in Events Booking. When you select an option in a custom field (checkbox, radio, dropdown), additional fields which depends on that option will be showed. To see how it works, please read documentation at http://eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/basic-setup/custom-fields/add-new-custom-field#dependency-settings-conditional-custom-fields

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Custom Field Quantity

01-12-2022 8:00 am - 01-17-2022 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Custom Field Quantity feature in Events Booking. It allows you to limit number of registrants can select certain options in a custom field (Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiple select). To see how it works and how to use this feature, please read documentation at http://eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/basic-setup/custom-fields/custom-field-quantity

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Multiple Ticket Types

01-14-2022 8:00 am - 01-19-2022 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Multiple Tickets type feature in Events Booking. It allows you to define multiple ticket types for your event. Each ticket type can have different  price, available quantity, maximum ticket allowed per booking and ticket description. When registrants register for the event, they will be allowed to choose the ticket type they want to register and select quantity with each ticket type... Try to register and you will understand how it works.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Available Place

Tickets for children. Maximum 3 tickets per booking

$50.00 30

Tickets for Students. Maximum 2 tickets per booking

$80.00 25

Standard Tickets. Maximum 4 tickets per booking

$100.00 50
VIP Tickets

VIP Tickets. Maximum 2 tickets per booking

$200.00 10

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Ticket Types - Collect Members

01-14-2022 8:00 am - 01-19-2022 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Multiple Tickets type with collect members information feature in Events Booking. It allows you to define multiple ticket types for your event. Each ticket type can have different  price, available quantity, maximum ticket allowed per booking and ticket description. When registrants register for the event, they will be allowed to choose the ticket type they want to register and select quantity with each ticket type... Try to register and you will understand how it works.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Available Place

Tickets for children. Maximum 3 tickets per booking

$50.00 30

Tickets for Students. Maximum 2 tickets per booking

$80.00 25

Standard Tickets. Maximum 4 tickets per booking

$100.00 50
VIP Tickets

VIP Tickets. Maximum 2 tickets per booking

$200.00 10

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