

This category contains both free and paid components developed by Ossolution Team for Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7


Event Booking Featured Hot

Events Booking is an Event Registration extension developed by Ossolution Team . It allows you to created events (both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events (Individual or Group registration) and process payment via online payment gateways such as : Paypal,, Eway, WorldPay and Offline Payment gateway.

Joom Donation Featured Hot

Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla(TM) 1.5 native extension developed by Ossolution Team to allow you to collect information and get payment from your site members / visitors (for a service, for an event registration or for a course registering) via Paypal,, Eway payment gateway.

Payment Form Hot

Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla(TM) 1.5 native extension developed by Ossolution Team to allow you to collect information and get payment from your site members / visitors (for a service, for an event registration or for a course registering) via Paypal,, Eway payment gateway.