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External Registration Handle
01-04-2026 8:00 am - 01-09-2026 8:00 am

This event is used to demo registration type option in Events Booking. For this event, the registration will be handled on an external website. You can config the URL of the registration page, for example, in this case, for demo purpose, I set Custom Registration Handle URL parameter of this event to


Disable Registration Event
01-04-2026 8:00 am - 01-09-2026 8:00 am

Sometime, you just want to create events and display on your site to give the information about the events for your site visitors without requiring registration. For these events, you can simply set Registration Type to Disable Registration

QR Code Feature
01-05-2026 8:00 am - 01-10-2026 8:00 am

This event is used to demo QRCODE feature in Events Booking. When someone perform a registration, a QRCode for the registration will be generated and sent to registrant in the confirmation email. You can then use a Mobile APP to scan that QRCode and check-in registrants at the event.


Early Bird Discount
01-06-2026 8:00 am - 01-11-2026 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Early Birth Discount feature in Events Booking. If registrants register before 01-01-2017 (this date is set in Early Birth Discount Date property of the event), they will get 30% discount for the registration

Late Fee Amount
01-08-2026 8:00 am - 01-13-2026 8:00 am

This event is used to demo Late Fee feature in Events Booking. If registrants register after 07-01-2017 (this date is set in Late Fee Date property of the event), they will be charged additional 10% registration fee.

We are no longer accepting registration for this event